Stay Up To Date On Traffic News By Following Florida Ticket Firm On Facebook
Florida Ticket Firm is always ready to get you out of a jam—and we also like providing you with information that can keep you safe while you’re on the road. As South Florida criminal defense lawyers, we know the power of information. We keep on top of traffic and criminal law to provide our clients with the best possible defense. At the same time, we know how important it is to share that information—knowledge is power, right? By following us on Facebook, you’ll be privy to some of the latest traffic news like amendments to traffic laws and safety information.
Keep On Top of Florida Traffic Laws
While it may seem like traffic laws rarely change and that you learned enough in Driver’s Ed, the truth is, legislators and safety advocates are frequently attempting (and sometimes succeeding) to change regulations. Following Florida Ticket Firm will help keep you up-to-date on any important changes and proposals. Plus, if you agree with some of the proposals, you’ll now have the info you need to write to your legislators and work towards getting them passed.
Some of our recent posts have included information about Uber’s and Lyft’s attempts to add Florida to their slate of states, red light cameras, and express lanes in Dade county. These three stories impact many Florida residents, but they don’t always get the screen time they deserve.
Great Safety Information For Sharing
In addition to the laws, we enjoy posting information that helps reduce accidents and promote safety. For instance, did you know cyclists are required to follow traffic laws? In April, we posted about the Broward Sheriff’s Office Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Campaign. Aimed at educating cyclists and pedestrians, the campaign hopes to curtail accidents and diminish risks to pedestrians and cyclists.
May is Motorcycle and Bicycle Safety Month in Sunny Florida and we’ll be sure to share information aimed at keeping you safe on two wheels. Even if you’re driving a car, being aware of motorcyclists and understanding the unique challenges of riding a motorcycle can make you a better defensive driver.
Like Florida Ticket Firm on Facebook to Keep Up On Florida Traffic News
Just like everyone else on Facebook, sometimes we’re shocked by the news. We share traffic news stories about DUIs, hit and runs, and other types of car accidents to help spread awareness. In every tale of a wrong-way driver or a DUI, there’s a lesson to be learned. Know your limits—know when you are OK to drive—and know when to hand someone else the keys.
We also like to share news that offers challenges to current traffic laws and practices. For example, did you know your driver’s license can be suspended for failure to pay a court fine? Unfortunately, it’s a practice that unfairly harms and targets the poor. We believe it’s important to share this information and get as many eyeballs as possible on the issues. After all, we’ve handled over a million traffic tickets and have a front row view of how the system sometimes gets it wrong.
At Florida Ticket Firm, we don’t just work hard to help clear away traffic tickets. We represent hard-working citizens as they navigate the criminal justice system. As criminal defense lawyers in South Florida, we use our expertise of the legal system to help individuals charged with DUI and misdemeanors such as shoplifting, criminal traffic violations, and marijuana possession. We also enjoy providing information that can help keep our fellow Floridians in the know. Like us on Facebook so you don’t miss a post.