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No Valid Driver License

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No Valid Driver License


No Valid Driver’s License

Did you receive a driving without valid driver’s license ticket and need a lawyer?

Florida Ticket Firm and its experienced Florida speeding ticket lawyers that represent drivers who are caught driving while they have no valid driver license – caught by “the law,” that is. When you are criminally charged for driving with no valid license, that doesn’t mean you just forgot to bring your Florida driver license with you. That means the state of Florida never gave you a valid driver license in the first place. You have no valid driver license to forget.

The only thing you might have forgotten is that it is illegal and a crime to drive a motor vehicle on Florida’s streets, roadways, interstates and highways without a valid driver license. Unfortunately, if you’re caught, that won’t be something you’ll soon forget because you’ll have the unpleasant, everlasting memories of the handcuffs on your wrists, sitting in the back of the police car for a seemingly never-ending ride to the police station, the fingerprinting session and the photo shoot resulting in a mugshot to publicly memorialize the traumatic event for all to see where available on the internet. Going to jail is not fun and can be especially scary for someone who has never been in jail.


Driving is a privilege. If you haven’t been granted that privilege but nevertheless get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle on the roads, streets, interstates, or highways of Florida, you are spinning the wheel of chance and taking a significant risk that you might be arrested for driving with no valid driver license. If a police officer, deputy sheriff, state trooper or other law enforcement officer pulls you over and asks you for your Florida driver license and you have no valid driver license to provide, that law enforcement officer is not going to be walking back to the police car, patrol car or state trooper vehicle empty-handed – that law enforcement officer will be walking back with you in handcuffs.

There are a number of reasons someone might be driving with no valid driver license; however, there is no legal reason for doing so. Driving without a valid driver license is a crime. The state of Florida attempts to take precautions to ensure that all traffic and people traveling in Florida are not subjected to unreasonable risk of motor vehicle accidents and personal injury. Part of those precautions involve setting certain requirements that must be met before you can receive a valid Florida driver license and legally drive among Florida traffic on Florida’s streets, roads, interstates and highways. Those requirements include safeguards to make sure that Florida drivers know Florida traffic laws and know how they are legally required to respond to traffic signs, traffic signals and other traffic devices.

Regardless of whether you are an illegal alien or U.S. citizen, you don’t have to, and you shouldn’t, show up all alone to your court hearing on your criminal charge for driving with no valid driver license.

Florida is a beautiful state and many are attracted to its warm weather, beaches and palm trees. Those migrating to, and living in, Florida include some who are not United States citizens and who have no papers to allow them to legally be in the United States; they are illegal aliens. Illegal aliens in Florida have no way of getting a valid Florida driver license but that doesn’t stop many from driving. The pure convenience of being able to get around in Broward County, Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County, Martin County and St. Lucie County cause those without a valid driver license, including non-U.S. citizens without papers (illegal aliens), to take the risk that they might be caught and arrested for driving with no valid driver license.

However, once charged with driving without a valid Florida driver license the reality and fear sets in for many non-U.S. citizens without papers (illegal aliens) in Florida as to whether they might be forced to leave the United States and be deported to their homeland country – the place they left to make a better life for themselves and their family in the United States. Most illegal aliens try to stay off the grid and not attract attention to themselves for fear that United States immigration authorities will find them and deport them back to their native country.


However, Florida traffic laws are enforced by the state of Florida while United States immigration laws are enforced by the federal government through a federal agency called United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), part of the United States Department of Homeland Security. Lawful United States immigration is handled by the government through a federal agency called the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These federal government agencies are not involved in enforcing Florida traffic laws. Even if you are a non-U.S. citizen with no papers (illegal alien), you cannot ignore a criminal charge by the state of Florida and must show up for your required criminal traffic court hearing or a bench warrant will be issued by the judge for your arrest. You don’t want to make a scary situation even scarier by missing a mandatory court hearing and becoming a wanted fugitive.

Driving Without A Valid Driver’s License

Regardless of whether you are an illegal alien or U.S. citizen, you don’t have to, and you shouldn’t, show up all alone to your court hearing on your criminal charge for driving with no valid driver license. You should show up with an experienced and knowledgeable criminal traffic lawyer in Florida. Florida Ticket Firm works with experienced traffic law attorneys in Broward County, Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County, Martin County and St. Lucie County who understand the issues that might have led you to drive without a valid driver license and who know the most effective manner of responding to the criminal traffic charges against you.

Call Florida Ticket Firm at 844-352-3476 for a FREE CONSULTATION with a lawyer regarding your Florida Uniform Traffic Citation for driving with no valid driver license. Florida Ticket Firm can help you.