Trespassing Defense
There are certain places you are not allowed to go; certain places you are not supposed to be. If you find yourself in one of those places and a police officer, deputy sheriff or other law enforcement officer finds you there too, you might end up facing criminal charges for trespassing. Florida Ticket Firm and its experienced trespassing defense attorneys defend individuals accused of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Trespassing charges can cause you to be arrested or you might be released on your own recognizance (ROR) with a Notice to Appear (NTA). Either way, when you are charged with trespassing, you are being charged with a crime. Trespassing is illegal.
Trespassing is basically a crime of violating protected space. If you enter protected space without permission, without an invitation, without authorization and without a license, you might be charged with trespassing. If you don’t have a verbal or written pass from the owner, you could be hit with trespass charges. If you see a barbed wire fence and “No Trespassing” signs along it, you can presume you’re not supposed to breach the barbed wire, and if you do, you could end up accused of trespassing.
When you are charged with trespassing, you are being charged with a crime. Trespassing is illegal.
The protected space protected by Florida trespassing laws is usually space owned by someone other than you. If you violate those boundaries, you might be charged criminally for trespassing. For instance, you can’t post signs on land owned by someone else or on trees on that land owned by someone else or you could be charged with trespass. You also can’t break down, break through or open up fences enclosing land owned by someone else or you could be arrested for trespass.
Florida Ticket Firm has experienced criminal trespass defense lawyers who know the elements the prosecutor must prove to establish criminal trespass, and the potential ways to demonstrate those elements have not been proven. The burden to prove criminal trespass charges is on the state of Florida. The prosecutor must prove the state’s trespass case beyond a reasonable doubt. Our knowledgeable Florida criminal defense attorneys are familiar with countering trespass charges. The Florida crime of trespass has numerous legal defenses that Florida Ticket Firm’s lawyers can raise to seek the dismissal of your trespass charges.
You don’t want a criminal record for trespass if you can avoid it, particularly if you innocently and mistakenly ended up on protected land or in a restricted area. Call Florida Ticket Firm at 844-352-3476 for a FREE CONSULTATION with an experienced attorney regarding your trespass charges. Florida Ticket Firm can help you.